These workshops are for students facing academic difficulty or seeking readmission back into the university. They are designed to help you learn strategies and techniques to improve your academic performance.
Academic Recovery Workshops
During these workshops, we discuss what it means to be on academic probation (below a 2.0 GPA) and the ways to students with less than 60 credit hours can improve their academic performance. Student Advising Center Success Coaches provide the support needed to help students commit to change needed to achieve academic success at IU Northwest.
Spring 2025 Academic Recovery Workshops have already taken place. If you missed your workshop, please reach out to your success coach for next steps.
Fall 2025 Academic Recovery Workshops will be scheudled and posted on this page during the summer term.
You only need to attend ONE of the scheduled times, as all meetings will contain the same information.
All workshops will be conducted by Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to your IU email the week leading up to the workshop. You will be required to have a laptop, desktop or tablet with audio and video capabilities, and to login using your IU credentials.
Reinstatement to Increase Student Excellence (R.I.S.E.) Workshop
If you were dismissed from Indiana University Northwest by your academic unit or for other academic reasons or have been re-admitted to the university on academic probation, you must sign up and attend the RISE Workshop.
Failure to complete this requirement will result in a SAC Advising Hold which will prohibit you from registering for the upcoming or subsequent semesters.
Upcoming RISE Workshops
Please consult this website -- which lists the schedule of RISE workshops, to assist you with your planning. Instructions for registering for a workshop are included there. Please contact your primary advisor or the Student Advising Center Main Office at 219-980-6804 if you have questions or concerns.