BA/BS to BSN in Nursing

BA/BS to BSN in Nursing

The BA/BS to BSN option is for those with a Bachelor’s Degree in a field other than nursing, who wish to pursue a degree in nursing. Once prerequisite courses are completed, students can finish the BSN in 18 months (including summers).   

The program outcomes are the same as for the traditional option. Students begin the program in May and complete in December of the following year.

  • Admitted to Indiana University Northwest as a degree seeking student.

  • Completed 56 credit hours of prerequisite courses including the following with a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 and a minimum GPA of 3.0 in general education courses used towards the nursing program.

  • Prerequisite courses:

    • P 130 Human Biology (4 cr within seven years of program admission)
    • P 261/P 262 Anatomy & Physiology I and II (min of 8 cr within seven years of program admission)
    • M 200 Microorganisms in Nature & Disease (4 cr within seven years of program admission)   
    • C 110 Chemistry of Life (3 cr within seven years of program admission) 
    • M 100 Basic Math, M 118 Finite, M 125 Pre-Calculus, M 126 Trig Functions, or M 127 Pre-Calculus (min of 3 cr)
    • K 300 Statistics (3 cr within seven years of program admission)
    • W131 English Composition (3 cr)
    • S 121 Public Speaking (3 cr)
    • W 231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr)
    • Cultural/Historical Studies (6 cr)
    • P 101 or P 102 Introduction to Psychology (3 cr)
    • S 161 Principles of Sociology (3 cr)
    • P 216 Life Span Development (3 cr within seven years of program admission)  
    • P 393 Biomedical Ethics
    • Literature Elective (3 cr)
    • Open Elective (2 -3 cr)

  • Potential students should meet with a nursing advisor prior to application for the program.
  • Students must have a bachelor degree in a field other than Nursing with a graduation GPA of 2.5 or higher.
  • All general education requirements must be met prior to enrollment in the nursing major courses.
  • The pre-nursing GPA (average of the general education requirements) used toward the BSN program must be 3.0 or above.
  • Repeat of three (3) general education requirements is allowed.  No more than two may be sciences.  There is a limit of one repeat per course.
  • The minimum grade requirement is a C (2.0).  Grades of C- or below are not acceptable.
  • There is a seven year age limit on Life Span Development, the sciences, and statistics.
  • Admission to the BA/BS to BSN Option is competitive.
  • Years of Study Required for Nursing Curriculum (nursing courses only) - 1.5

Outcomes from 2019-2020 academic year

A Lifetime of Success

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