Interim Vice Chancellor Amy J. Diaz
Office of the Chancellor and External Affairs
- amyjdiaz@iu.edu
- (219) 980-7109
- Anderson Library Conference Center 107E

Vice Chancellor Michelle T. Dickerson
Fiscal Affairs
- mtdicker@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6618
- Anderson Library Conference Center 107F

Interim Vice Chancellor Dorothy Frink
Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
- defrink@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6994
- Hawthorn Hall 101C

John Hanson
Director of Emergency Management and Continuity, Northern Division
- johhans@iu.edu
- (574) 520-4575
- IU South Bend, Northside Hall 078

Asst. Vice Chancellor John M. Novak
Institutional Effectiveness and Research
- jmnovak@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6905
- Anderson Library Conference Center 323

Assoc. Exec. Vice Chancellor Cynthia O'Dell
Academic Affairs
- codell@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6509
- Hawthorn Hall 206A

Lita Pener
Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Programs
- lmpener@iu.edu
- Raintree Hall 213

Interim Executive Vice Chancellor and Dean Cynthia S. Roberts
Academic Affairs and School of Business and Economics
- robertcs@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6636
- Dunes Medical/Professional Building 1104

Interim Chancellor Vicki Román-Lagunas
Chancellor's Office and Academic Affairs
- viroman@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6761
- Anderson Library Conference Center 107D

Dean Crystal C. Shannon
College of Health and Human Services
- crshanno@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6961
- Dunes Medical Professional Building 3109

Ellen Szarleta
Center for Urban and Regional Excellence and Public & Environmental Affairs
- eszarlet@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6698
- Dunes Medical/Professional Building 2117

Cynthia Szymanski
Asst. Dean of Library Services
- cszymans@iu.edu
- 219-980-6521
- Anderson Library Conference Center 144

Tameka White
Program Assistant, CISTL
- tamwhite@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6755
- Anderson Library Conference Center 334

Christopher Young
Center on Innovation and Scholarship in Teaching and Learning (CISTL) and History
- cjy@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6563
- Anderson Library Conference Center 332