Amy Diaz
Chief of Staff and Interim Vice Chancellor of External Affairs
- amyjdiaz@iu.edu
- (219) 980-7109
- Anderson Library Conference Center 107E

Michelle T. Dickerson
Vice Chancellor for Finance
- mtdicker@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6618
- Anderson Library Conference Center 107F

Kevin Elmore
Executive Director, Facilities and Operations
- kdelmore@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6841
- Marram Hall 107

Dorothy Frink
Interim Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
- defrink@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6994
- Hawthorn Hall 101C

Vicki Román-Lagunas
Interim Chancellor
- viroman@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6761
- (219) 980-6670 Fax
- Anderson Library Conference Center 107D

Cynthia Roberts
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of the School of Business and Economics
- robertscs@iu.edu
- (219) 980-6636
- Dunes Medical/Professional Building 1104