Friends and Family

If you’re viewing this page, congratulations are in order for both you and your student! Getting to this point takes a tremendous amount of support and, at IU Northwest, we understand and value your role in this process. Your student will be invited to go through an extensive online New Student Orientation process this summer to ensure that he or she is prepared for the fall semester. We hope you’ll continue to support and encourage your student in each step along the way. To help you out, we’ve created this page as a resource with you in mind, letting you know and understand a bit more about each step your student will be taking. Below you will find information on the first steps your student will take at IU Northwest.

Now that your student has received their acceptance, these are the next steps

Create the IU Technology Account

Your student should create his or her IU Technology Account as soon as possible. Indiana University is deeply committed to tech safety and security for all. So, it is important that your student create and maintain this account individually. There are options for third-party access that we’ll review a bit later.

Create My First IU Account

Complete RedHawk Ready

Your student will be invited to a self-guided pre-New Student Orientation site to become familiar with IU systems and processes. We also encourage your student to sign up for one of our NSO Live dates.

Complete Placement Tests (IF NECCESARY)

Your student should review their account, found in the Student Center of One.IU to see if placement tests are required. There will also be information about who to contact to complete those, as well as contact information for your student’s academic advisor.

Advising and Registration

At this point, it is important for your student to reach out to his or her academic advisor to schedule an appointment for advising and registration. At this time, advising appointments are happening virtually.

Finances and Paying for College

We know that college is an investment and we want to assure you that IU has a team of dedicated professionals who can help with questions regarding financial aid, scholarships, and paying for college. Please do keep in mind that members of our campus community can only discuss a student’s account with the student, unless there is a third-party agreement on file.

Campus Resources

Indiana University Northwest’s commitment to academic success extends far beyond the classroom. We are committed to your student’s success through a variety of support services and programming.