Additional Support
Grants are available to ensure you have access to the tools, resources and funding necessary to improve student learning and success.
Grants are available to ensure you have access to the tools, resources and funding necessary to improve student learning and success.
The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) is a support unit within the Office of Academic Affairs at IU Northwest (IUN) serving the scholarly and creative activities of faculty, staff, and students. Working together, OSR and ORA facilitate the mandatory internal review and approval process for external funding before submission to sponsors using Kuali Coeus (KC), an electronic award management system. Both offices also provide proposal development and post-award services.
Once you decide to pursue external funding, you should immediately contact OSR for assistance and guidance with all aspects of the proposal development process. Services include assisting and/or writing proposals, preparing budgets, and obtaining or preparing required documents for your proposal. The earlier you engage with OSR in the process, the more successful you will be in submitting competitive proposals and securing grant awards at IUN.
Guidelines and Application for Summer Faculty Fellowships and Grant-in-Aid