To provide seed money for research.
Limited to tenure-track and tenured faculty.
Limit of Support
Filing Deadline
The filing deadline is in October. Please see Deadlines in the Guidelines/Application for current dates. Please keep a copy of your application on file for personal use.
Accounts are active until research is completed or until it is determined that the project is inactive; accounts are reviewed annually (May) so that monies which are not used can be redistributed to other research projects.
Type of Support for Research Projects
Travel: To libraries, museums, other informational sources; for field studies; travel to professional meetings is supported from other funds not under this program.
Supplies: Laboratory supplies; film, audio recording tape, video tape, office supplies, art supplies, and other expendable materials.
Documentation: Paper or microfilm copies of source material which normally would not be purchased through the library; in situations where loans are impractical or impossible.
Use of Facilities: Reimbursement to schools, churches, governments, etc. if investigator is to be billed for use of the research site.
Wages: For word processors, research assistants, laboratory assistants, etc. for work directly related to the project.
Publication Costs: Costs of publication are usually not allowed until the research is completed; subject to restrictions cited in this program description.
Equipment: Equipment for research projects should be purchased through the operating budget of the local campus; consult the Academic Affairs Office for approval.
Computer Time: In rare instances where use of the IU Northwest computing center is impractical or impossible, or when a particular campus budget requires the investigator to pay for his/her research time on the computer.
Budget must be itemized with exact listing of costs.
Letters of Support
Applicants are encouraged to include at least one outside letter of recommendation. Letters should be addressed to the Executive Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Award Notice
Letters of award or rejection come from the Academic Affairs Office.
Special Restrictions
(1) Dissertation or thesis research is not supported from this fund; (2) in applying for grants and supporting manuscript preparation, the faculty member agrees to return to Indiana University one-half of all royalties in excess of $100 per year until the face value of the grant has been repaid; (3) grants may not be used to provide salary or supplemental pay for the instructor; (4) grants may not be used to purchase books unless they are demonstrably needed by the investigator and are of no use to the library; (5) grants may not be used to purchase equipment; (6) any applications involving the use of human subjects must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the IU Northwest Human Subjects Committee. Without such approval and in the absence of unusual extenuating circumstances, an application will not be considered; and (7) any applications involving the use of animals must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the Northwest Animal Resource Committee.
Special Notice
The project should be described in enough detail to adequately justify the requested budget. All expenditures must adhere to Indiana University policy on purchasing and account management. Consult the Vice Chancellor for Fiscal Affairs if you are not aware of current policy on these matters. The Grants and Research Development Committee is particularly concerned with the methodology of the research. The faculty member is advised to be thorough in preparing the application adding supplementary materials where considered relevant. Be specific and try to write with an educated lay reader in mind. Avoid language which tends to reflect a specialized discipline.
All faculty members who receive an award must file a brief informative report with the Academic Affairs Office upon completion of their project (or fellowship) by the first Monday in October following the receipt of the grant or fellowship. If the work is not completed by then a progress report must be submitted. A final report should be submitted by the first Monday in July of the following year.
Failure to submit these reports will cause a faculty member to be ineligible for all categories of IU Northwest support for research and teaching development.
These reports may be reviewed by future Grants and Research Development Committees to assist them in evaluating subsequent applications of a faculty member.
Form Route
An application for a Grant-In-Aid of Research should be sent to the department chairperson (where appropriate) and then to the unit head for recommendation. From there it is sent to the Academic Affairs Office (original) where it is evaluated by the Grants and Research Development Committee. The Committee reserves the right to review, evaluate, and revise all grant requests originating on the IU Northwest campus. The grant application is then forwarded to the Academic Affairs Office with the Committee's recommendation.
Additional Grant Program Information
Contact the Office of Academic Affairs