Students are encouraged to join the Psychology Club, which sponsors speakers, field trips, service activities, and graduate school preparation sessions. The department also has a chapter of Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology.
Psychology Club
The Psychology Club is an organization for students who are interested in psychology. Membership is open to any student currently enrolled at IU Northwest.
The purpose of the organization is to provide opportunities for students to encounter experiences not possible in the classroom, and to encourage informal interaction between the students and the faculty. In addition, the organization hopes to provide the campus community, and the local community, with informal opportunities to learn about psychological topics.
These goals are accomplished through field trips, films, discussion groups, speakers, social gathering and articles posted on the Psychology Club Bulletin Board in Raintree Hall. For those students who are either pursuing psychology as a major or a minor, membership information on the American Psychological Association and Psi Chi is provided.
Contact Advisor:
Frances Daniel
Raintree 135
Office Number: (219) 980-6680