Liberal Studies - COAS


Master of Liberal Studies at IU Northwest

The Master of Liberal Studies (MLS) program is an interdisciplinary program designed for students who wish to pursue multiple academic areas by allowing them the flexibility to fashion a course of study that blends their interests, talents, and experiences.   It is an ideal program for those who wish to explore questions of enduring concern and contemporary urgency in the arts, humanities, behavioral sciences, social sciences, life sciences, and physical sciences.

Description of the video:

It's really expanded my horizons.
program at IU Northwest covers the arts
and humanities, the social sciences, as
well as the hard sciences. In fact,
we are a truly interdisciplinary
master's degree program.
Being here and going through this program has given me an opportunity to do things I might not have
done before.
And the program has a
lot to offer. You can really gear your
master's degree towards your interest.
And of course it carries with it all of
the resources and reputation that IU has
built as a university statewide.

Program Highlights

MLS students will gain fresh perspectives in various fields of study and will develop the critical thinking, decision making, and communication skills that are valued in today’s workplace. Unique among graduate programs, the flexible and multidisciplinary MLS curriculum at IU-Northwest helps students understand the broader context of their ideas, paths of study, and possible career options. 

During their studies, MLS students will:

  • Work closely with highly-trained faculty across a wide-variety of disciplines
  • Work with faculty mentors in the discipline or interdisciplinary topic of their choosing to complete optional independent studies and thesis
  • Learn to analyze problems from a variety of diverse perspectives
  • Begin to make connections between their studies and their personal and professional lives
  • Further endorse their lifelong commitment to learning, free inquiry, and the life of the mind 

Career Opportunities

A MLS degree, by design, is not meant to prepare a student for a particular career. Instead this unique diploma helps students become better critical thinkers and problem solvers in regards to subjects and disciplines in a world of rapid change. This unique and flexible graduate program is designed to enrich a student’s life via an intellectually rich set of course options. .

MLS graduates often find themselves working in diverse careers such as in education, the social services, in business fields, marketing, and in educational administration amongst many other possibilities. Additionally, many students use their MLS preparation to go forward with further studies and be admitted into doctoral programs or law school. For others, the knowledge and process of learning an d intellectual enrichment is an end in itself. However, for other learners, their places of employment may also appreciate and acknowledge the attainment of an advanced graduate degree with some form of recognition, compensation, or other types of career advancement.

For More Information

Please browse the links and visit the individual program pages to learn about degree and course requirements, students clubs and activities, and more.
You can also learn more information in our Bulletin.

Thank you for your interest in the Master of Liberal Studies Program at IU Northwest!

Contact Us

Office Hours

Monday ‑ Friday: 8:00 a.m. ‑ 5:00 p.m


Scooter Pégram
(219) 980-6532

Fax Number

(219) 980‑6972


Fernanda Selena Rodriguez
(219) 980-6714

Mailing Address

IU Northwest
Liberal Studies (MLS)
Hawthorn Hall, Room 471
3400 Broadway
Gary, Indiana 46408

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