CARMIn - Course Approval, Remonstrance, Maintenance and Integration
CARMIn is used to electronically submit all proposals for new courses and to make changes to attributes of courses, such as course descriptions, credit hours, method of instruction and other aspects of the course as it is listed in the IU system-wide catalog. CARMIn should be used to inactivate a course on the campus as well (using Course Change).
A job aid describing how to initiate or approve a course request can be found at IT Training at IU.
When someone initiates a New Course or a Course Change edoc via CARMIn, the electronic document is automatically routed to the next person in the approval chain. The routing for IU Northwest includes the department/program, the unit curriculum committees, the Dean, and the campus curriculum committee. As appropriate, courses are also routed to the IU Graduate School and other IU constituents as needed. Please contact the Office of Academic Affairs at if any changes need to be made to your approval chain.
Once approved by the All Campus Curriculum Committee, course requests are required to be placed on a central university remonstrance list so that other units and campuses have an opportunity to review them. After the 30-day remonstrance period, they are routed to the Office of Academic Affairs for final approval.
Departments should exercise caution when they modify courses that might be in use on other campuses. Due to the shared system-wide course catalog, any change to a course initiated on the Northwest campus will impact the entire IU system. The only exception to this rule is the requests to discontinue a course and/or to modify course prerequisites because such a request is local. Proposing a new course is sometimes less complicated than seeking significant revisions to a course already taught on multiple campuses.
Prior to submission of a new course, be sure to reserve a new number for the course by contacting University Student Services and Systems at
Remonstrance Procedure
On the first workday of each month, a remonstrance list including all courses recently submitted to CARMIn is distributed system-wide. Notice of the list is forwarded to every academic unit by the Office of Academic Affairs. Any faculty member or department with questions or concerns about a proposal on the list has a 30-day (strictly enforced) period to “remonstrate.” Reasons for filing a remonstrance include but are not limited to:
- equivalence of a proposed course with a course already in the course catalog.
- confusion/overlap/redundancy with existing courses.
- significant changes being proposed that do not fit the current course use on other campuses.
Please direct all correspondence related to the filing and resolution of a remonstrance to the Office of Academic Affairs at
In the event that a remonstrance is filed, the two parties will correspond in a good-faith effort to address and resolve these issues. If you have objections to approving the offering of any course on the remonstrance list, please state your objections in writing or via email directly to the chair of the department requesting approval for the course. Be as detailed as possible in stating your objections.
If the objections between the parties are resolved prior to the end of the remonstrance period, the course will continue through the approval process. A course with any objections filed against it will not move to the final approval stage until all parties agree that the objections have been resolved.
If the dispute cannot be resolved between the objecting party and the chair of the department requesting approval for the course, the course may either be withdrawn by the requesting department, or the issue may be forwarded to the Executive Vice Chancellor and the Chief Academic Officer for a decision.
Please note the following:
- courses cannot be included in the Bulletin until they have gone through the remonstrance process.
- once a course has gone through the remonstrance process, it is entered into the IU System-wide Course Catalog and is available for adoption by any campus in the university system. Before a campus teaches a course for the first time, its use on that campus needs to clear remonstrance.
- Departments with time-sensitive proposals should contact the Office of Academic Affairs at to discuss their options.