Vicki Román-Lagunas - Interim Chancellor
Karen Peterson - Administrative Assistant
Lizabeth Romeo - Director Faculty Appts & Advancement
Cynthia Roberts - Interim Executive Vice Chancellor
Cynthia O'Dell - Associate Executive Vice Chancellor
- Julie Bishop - Administrative Assistant
- Sandra McMullen - Director of Sponsored Research
- Natalie Vega-FInn - Director of Academic Advising
- Kate Gustafson - Director of Student Success
Bala Arshanapalli - Associate Executive Vice Chancellor
Christopher Young - Assistant Vice Chancellor, Director, CISTL
Ellen Szarleta - Director, Center for Urban & Regional Excellence
John Novak - Assistant Vice Chancellor, Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Cynthia Roberts - Dean, School of Business and Economics
Mark Sperling - Interim Dean, School of Education
Gretchen Rings - Executive Director, Library
Crystal Shannon - Dean, College of Health and Human Services
Mark Hoyert - Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Jonathyne Briggs - Interim Dean, School of the Arts
Printable Organizational Chart