Tanice Foltz
Professor, Director
Ph.D. in Sociology, University of California, 1985
- tfoltz@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6786
- Arts and Sciences Building 2031

William Allegrezza
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Louisiana State University, 2003
- wallegre@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6847
- Hawthorn Hall 411

Ada Azodo
Adjunct Faculty
Ph.D. in French, University of Lagos, 1990
- aazodo@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6629
- Arts and Sciences Building 2023

Jonathyne William Briggs
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Emory University, 2006
- jwbriggs@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6658
- Arts and Sciences Building 2092

Adrian Garcia
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Spanish, Indiana University, 1998
- agarcia@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6690
- Hawthorn Hall 467

Marie Eisenstein
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Political Science, Purdue University, 2004
- maeisens@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6522
- Arts and Sciences Building 2061

Kate Gustafson
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in English, University of Pennsylvania, 2012
- kategust@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6575
- Hawthorn Hall 403

Patricia Hicks
Adjunct Faculty
Ph.D. in Education, University of Toledo, 1985
- phicks@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6941
- Arts and Sciences Building 2099

Jaqueline Huey
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in SPEA, Florida State University, 1994
- jfhuey@iun.edu
- (219 )981-4290
- Dunes Medical / Professional Building 2121

Cara Lewis
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in English, University of Virginia, 2014
- lewiscar@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6715
- Hawthorn Hall 423

Anja Matwijkiw
Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Cambridge, 1997
- amatwijk@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6676
- Arts and Sciences Building 2047

Kevin McElmurry
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Missouri, 2009
- kmcelmur@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6829
- Arts and Sciences Building 2090

Eva Mendieta
Ph.D. in Spanish, SUNY At Albany, 1992
- emendiet@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6692
- Hawthorn Hall 471A

Cynthia O'Dell
Associate Vice Chancellor
Ph.D. in Psychology, Emory University, 1993
- codell@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6509
- Lindenwood Hall 325

Ana Osan
Ph.D. in Spanish, University of Chicago, 2000
- aosan@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6691
- Hawthorn Hall 461

Scooter Pégram
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in French, Louisiana State University, 2001
- spegram@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6532
- Hawthorn Hall 463

Surekha Rao
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Economics, University of New England, Australia, 1970
- skrao@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6934
- Dunes Medical / Professional Building 1117

Monica Solinas-Saunders
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in SPEA, University of Pittsburgh, 2007
- msolinas@iun.edu
- (219) 980-6661
- Dunes Medical / Professional Building 2135a