Complete English Placement Testing
English placement testing will require you to read two articles and chose one of the articles to write a short, 500-600 word essay response. Your essay response will be scored by two English Department faculty members and your score will be entered on your student account.
The Placement Testing office will notify you of your English Placement results via the Canvas system. You will use your IU Technology Account that was created in Step One to login to the Canvas system for English Placement. It may take up to 24 hours for your account to be active in Canvas once you create it.
**Please Note – If you have English transfer credit from another University or dual-credit/AP credit from High School you do not need to take English placement. However, your English Placement Hold cannot be removed until your credit is on your IU Northwest transcript or you complete English Placement.
If you are unsure if you are required to take English placement, please contact John Sponberg in the English Department at (219) 980-6565 or
If you have a documented academic accommodation, please contact the English Department to schedule an individual appointment in person.