Sharing Campus News
The Office of Marketing and Communications (OMC) has several vehicles to help promote campus news and events, including:
- The website homepage (see guidelines below)
- The campus events calendar
- The IU Northwest newsroom
- The Inside IU Northwest monthly newsletter
- Media relations - working with local media outlets to inform their audiences about campus news and events
- Social media pages
Campus Publicity
The OMC encourages the campus to share news and events with our department. Our decisions are made with several factors in mind, including, but not limited to:
- Timeliness: Did the news just happen or will it be happening soon? Or, can we connect it to a topic trending in the media? Is it an “evergreen” story, meaning that it is always relevant and timely and not tied to a specific event or theme, or will there be a news hook in the future that will be stronger?
- Relevancy: Does the story reflect the campus’s strategic priorities? For instance, does it showcase our community engagement or faculty and student scholarship and research?
- Prospective Student Interest: Does the OMC believe the story idea has appeal to a prospective student?
- Uniqueness: Does the story set IU Northwest apart from other local, peer institutions; or all other institutions nationwide, or globally? Does this story set a particular IU Northwest school or college apart from others, or is this a common practice or story that can be found throughout campus?
- Media Impact/Interest: Has this story, or a similar story, already been covered by the media? Would the media find value in this story?
- Community Appeal: Does the story involve the community or local organizations, or share the campus’s institutional knowledge or resources with the community?
- Photo Opportunity: Can a photo of this story idea help to tell the news, providing the reader with a better idea of what happened? Would the photo be interesting, or unique?
Website Homepage
Publication criteria includes:
- Event: An event that has broad appeal and is open to the public (i.e., Theatre Northwest production)
- Action Item: Something an end user can act upon (i.e., apply for a scholarship, buy a ticket to an event)
- Feature Story: Must meet at least one of above criteria under ‘Campus Publicity & Marketing’. In other words, it must be particularly newsworthy, unique and show community impact or involvement.
If the OMC feels the story idea is not suitable to post on the homepage, keep in mind there are many other ways in which the OMC can share the news with the campus, and community.
Submitting Story Ideas
Story ideas should be submitted for consideration to; write STORY IDEA in the subject line. OMC will respond within five business days, and communicate the best way to share the news. Details regarding campus events must be submitted six weeks prior to the event.
Please note final editorial decisions lie with the OMC.