Biology Department Faculty Honors
Dr. Harold Olivey has been chosen to be a member of the Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) at IU. Congratulations Dr. Olivey!
Biology Department Faculty Honors
Dr. Harold Olivey has been chosen to be a member of the Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) at IU. Congratulations Dr. Olivey!
Biology Department Faculty in the News
Dr. Spencer Cortwright was interviewed on a segment of Outdoor Elements on WNIT, South Bend (IN) public television. He shared his expertise on amphibians to explain some of their strategies for surviving during the winter.
Biology Research Students in the News
Two IUN Students doing research with IUN microbiology faculty member Dr. Jenny Fisher were photographed and mentioned in a Chicago Tribune news article in October 2019. Mark Mason (Biology major) and Ben Macuga (Environmental Science major) were collecting water samples in Lake Michigan around the time of a chemical hazard spill into the lake from a local steel mill.
Dr. Spencer Cortwright
View the "Ted-style" talk of Dr. Spencer Cortwright, Associate Professor of Biology, where he describes the vast ecological diversity of Northwest Indiana and discusses how IU Northwest students are learning restoration techniques including prescribed fires.
Dr. Jenny Fisher
View the "Ted-style" talk of Dr. Jenny Fisher, Assistant Professor of Biology, as she explores the history of antibiotics and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant 'superbugs' in her research comparing the human gut microbiome to different ecosystems across Northwest Indiana.
Dr. Ming Gao
View the "Ted-style" talk of Dr. Ming Gao, Assistant Professor of Biology, where he shares his research on germ cells in fruit flies and how this knowledge can inform our understanding of reproduction and genetic engineering.