Students accepted into Option II of the Urban Teacher Education Program are invited to continue with their studies and earn the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education: Urban Option. All hours taken from the Option II program will apply toward this degree. No courses from other institutions can be substituted for Option II courses unless approved in advance by the Director of the Urban Teacher Education Program. The seminar course must be taken at IUN. These degree requirements enable candidates to meet the IUN Advanced Conceptual Framework Outcomes, which are:
1. Reflection
2. Collaboration and Professional Development
3. Classroom Management and Assessment4. Learning and Development
5. Knowledge and Instruction
6. Educational Equity
7. Formal Inquiry
Candidates for this degree must complete the UTEP Option II teacher certification process and meet entrance requirements listed in the most recent IUN Bulletin for Graduate Studies before they can be formally designated masters degree students, and before they can enroll in Y520.
After Licensure is completed:
EDUC W505 - Portfolio Seminar
EDUC Y520* - Strategies for Educational Inquiry
EDUC A530 - Statistical Data for Educational Leaders
EDUC R503 - Application of Instructional Media and Technology
*EDUC Y520 is limited to students who have standard teaching licenses and who have been formally admitted into the master's degree program.