progress of all students receiving financial aid. Students who fail to make satisfactory academic
progress toward their academic objective become ineligible for further aid, as required by federal
or less than 3.0 as a graduate student.
Inadequate completion of attempted course work: You have successfully completed less than
67% of your attempted coursework.
Too many credit hours for your degree objectives: You have attempted more than 150% of the
published semester-hour credits required for your program.
of this evaluation is dependent upon the date that we receive your completed FAFSA information.
Evaluation begins in May of each year once grades have been posted to your transcripts for the
Spring semester and continues weekly for the remainder of the upcoming academic year. If you filed
your FAFSA before spring grades are recorded your SAP status will be determined in May. If you file
later, once your FAFSA information has been received, you will be evaluated for SAP within the next 7
days. If your progress brings you above the minimum SAP standards, you may request a reevaluation
from the Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships. If you are in fact above the standards, no further
action is required and we will change your status.
meeting the minimum SAP standards. It will direct you to your ONE.IU account to determine why
you did not meet the standards and give instructions on how to file an appeal. -- where you will answer a series of questions
to determine the appeal form you need to complete. Please make sure that you are using the correct
appeal form and that you include all necessary information. An incomplete appeal can delay review
and thus delay the availability of your financial aid award.
reestablished. The only way to do this without submitting an appeal is to bring your GPA and/or
completion rate above the minimum standards of a 2.0 IU Program GPA (undergraduate) or 3.0
(graduate) and at least a 67% completion rate. Please note that if you were selected for exceeding
the 150% rule, you cannot correct that status by taking additional credit hours.
1. A completed appeal form including an academic plan and your advisor’s signature. Your
academic plan will vary depending on the reason you did not meet SAP standards. Specifically:
academic progress during all periods of enrollment regardless of whether or not you received
financial aid for those terms and any supporting documentation. Your statement should also
include any behavioral modifications you have made or will make to ensure you can be
academically successful in the future.
medical condition and that (s)he supports your decision to continue your enrollment
• Death of family member – a copy of the death certificate or obituary
• Divorce/Separation – court document
• Military service – official military orders
You should appeal the suspension of your financial aid if:
You believe that there were circumstances beyond your control that contributed significantly to your making unsatisfactory academic progress.AND/OR
You believe that there were concrete things that you could have done differently that would have helped you to make satisfactory academic progress.
If the circumstances of your situation have changed, e.g., you plan to pursue a different academic
program or you have reduced the number of hours you are working. In either case, your argument
should be strong enough to convince the University that you can overcome past difficulties and fulfill
the requirements to complete your degree.
If you have had a successful appeal in the past you merely need to print out a current transcript, meet
with your advisor, and write an essay discussing your academic progress, or lack thereof, since your
last appeal.
If this is your first SAP appeal, you should give us a thorough explanation of why you believe the
University should support continued investment in your education. You should include any and all
information that will help us make a well-informed decision. Successful appeals generally include not
only an explanation of past circumstances, but also a detailed plan for how you will achieve academic
success in the future. In other words, your appeal should outline the specific changes you will make
to insure future academic success. You may also include supporting documents, although they are
not required, e.g., letters of support from professors and/or employers.
If the reasons for your poor performance were medical in nature, please provide documentation
from your physician or therapist. The documentation should indicate that, according to his or her
professional opinion, the medical issues that impaired your success and/or the psychological
challenges that you confronted are under control and will not be a problem in the future. If
applicable, your physician or therapist should identify the treatment plan that he or she recommends
to insure your future success.
If you are currently enrolled in classes, ask your professors to provide you with a progress report that
states what your grade is in the class at that point in the semester. If your professors tell us you're
doing well, it will help your appeal. Otherwise, we may have to wait until your final grades are
recorded to make a decision about your appeal.
summer months and as needed during the academic year.
information from you we will contact you.
receive federal financial aid and you don't use your entire award for the fall and spring semesters,
you may use what’s left to enroll in summer classes.
however, and the closer you are to making satisfactory academic progress, the better the chances
that your appeal will be granted and your eligibility for aid will be reinstated.
within the 100% refund period, unless you have an alternate way to pay for school. If your appeal is
denied after the 100% refund period, you will have to find an alternate way to pay for those classes.
taking classes and paying for them on your own in order to bring your GPA or completion rate up to
the minimum SAP standards. As noted earlier, you are evaluated on an annual basis. However, you
may request a SAP review at the end of any semester of enrollment.
supporting documentation when you initially submit your appeal. If new information becomes
available, you are welcome to submit it for reconsideration, although there are no guarantees.
documented that they meet the guidelines for reinstatement of financial aid may request review by
the Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships. The Director of Financial Aid’s decision is the final
opportunity for review.
In most cases, your question will be answered by the next business day.