The following sequence of steps should be pursued by any student when voicing a complaint about a course instructor. This is separate from the grade appeal or petition process. This primary recourse is available to all students. At the end of each semester, students are provided an opportunity to evaluate their classes and teachers. Students should use this opportunity to express their opinions in a professional manner. If the nature of the complaint is sufficiently complex and significant, students may express their concerns in a stepwise progression. That is, all students must complete step one before completing step two and so on.
Step 1. All students should discuss their concerns with their instructor first. This step may be in person or in writing. If there is a course chair assigned to the course and the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the consultation with instructor, the student should reach out to the course chair.
Step 2. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the consultation with the course instructor and/or course chair, the student should formally submit a letter to the Associate Director and/or Director of the Program. This must be in writing and should include documentation. The Associate Director and/or Director of the Program will gather information from both the student and the instructor and reach a decision as to the merits of the complaint.
Step 3. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the consultation with the Associate Director and/or Director of the Program, the student should submit the formal complaint to the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services. This appeal must be in writing. It must include a written narrative of the case from the student, it must include documentation and it must be signed. The Dean will gather information from the instructor and will reach a decision as to the merits of the complaint.
Step 4. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the consultation with the Dean, the student should appeal to the Office of Academic Affairs. This appeal must be a written narrative of the case from the student, must include documentation, and must be signed. This narrative and documentation should be sent to the Office of Academic Affairs.