The Mathematics and Actuarial Science Department offers a Bachelor of Science, a Bachelor of Arts, and Minor in Mathematics. The course requirements are structured to allow students to concentrate their study into one of these areas:

- A Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics offers a bachelor's degree program that prepares you for mathematics careers in business or industry. The program is also a foundation for graduate study in either pure or applied mathematics.
- A Bachelor of Science in Mathematics is designed to provide Indiana University Northwest mathematics majors with a rigorous mathematics background and prepare students for graduate school or an applied job at the bachelor’s level.
- A Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science applies theories of probability and statistics and the principles of finance to the problems of insurance, pensions, social insurance, population studies, and related fields.
For more information, visit the Mathematics and Actuarial Science page on the IU Northwest Bulletin.
For ANY College of Arts and Sciences major, try the (beta version) Excel TOOL that can help navigate the distribution requirements (Groups IIIA, IIIB and IIIC) and General Education "Breadth of Learning" requirements.