Campus Events
The Office of Campus Events will support colleagues in their efforts to host face-to-face events through a campus event planning and review process.
Event requests with 50 or more participants
- Events with 50 or more participants must submit proposals to be reviewed and approved by the University Event Registration Committee (UERC).
- Planners should book only tentative reservations of facilities prior to approval by the University Event Registration Committee (UERC).
- All groups, including student organizations, must request UERC approval for events with 50 or more participants.
- In addition to the UERC submission, student organizations must follow the student event guidelines for their campus.
- Early submission of event requests is highly recommended. Requests should be submitted no less than 10 working days prior to the event.
- Event organizers can apply for event approval of the UERC by submitting answers to the basic event information questions included on the form and uploading a specific event plan that address Guiding Principles and Event Considerations, contingency plans for cancellation or transition to a virtual format, and a proposed floor plan of the event space. This information will be reviewed by the UERC, comprised of university public health and safety officials, with a final determination made by the campus’s provost/chancellor or their delegate. The event organizer will be notified of the determination within 10 days of submission.
- Requests will be considered with the current safety guidelines and restrictions in place at the date of submission.
Virtual-only events and virtual-only conferences will not require approval.
Learn more about campus event considerations
For event information, please contact Campus Events.