Faculty Profiles for 2008-2009
Arshanapalli, Bala
Bandyopadhyay, Subir
Dunphy, Steven
Hobson, Charles
Keinath, Annemarie
Kini, Ranjan
Lin, Tin-Chun
Nelson, William
Rao, Surekha
Rominger, Anna
Scott, Cuthbert
Selladurai, Rajan
Strupeck, C. David
Thomas, James
Yan, Ruiliang
NOTE: This area contains the Faculty Qualifications / Classifications for the 2008-2009 Academic Year based upon the reported Intellectual Contributions of the faculty. In addition to possession of the terminal degree in the field of teaching, a 5 year Intellectual Contributions history is used to determine the academic qualifications of the faculty member.