Definition of Terms
Section 1
The term “Association” means the IUN Alumni Association, which is comprised of dues-paying graduates, former students, and friends of the IUN campus. The association will be organized as a Constituent Society under the By-laws and Articles of Incorporation of the Indiana University Alumni Association, Inc.
Section 2
The term “IUN Alumni Board” hereinafter referred to as the “Board” is the governing body of the Association. The Board will be selected according to the procedures set forth in this Constitution and By-laws.
Section 3
The term “Indiana University Alumni Association” means the Association of graduates, former students, and friends of Indiana University who are joined together to promote the interests of Indiana University and its alumni.
Section 4
The term “Executive Council” means the Board of Managers, At large members, Constituent Society and other representatives who advise the Indiana University Alumni Association, Inc., an Indiana not-for-profit corporation.
Section 5
The term “Constituent Society” means an affiliate organization of the International Indiana University Alumni Association. The Indiana University Northwest Alumni Association shall be a Constituent Society of the International Indiana University Alumni Association, Incorporated, which has offices at the DeVault Center, 1000 E. 17th Street Bloomington, Indiana.
Section 1
Name. The name of this organization is the Indiana University Northwest Alumni Association, sometimes styled as the IUN Alumni Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association”.
Section 2
Purpose. The purposes are to promote the interests of IUN and to establish and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship between IUN and its alumni.
Section 3
Location. The principal office of the IUN Alumni Association is the IUN Alumni Office, whose mailing address is 3400 Broadway, Gary, Indiana 46408.
Section 4
Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Association will begin on the first day of July of each year and will end the last day of June of the succeeding year.
Section 1
Eligibility. There will be two (2) classes of membership consisting of regular members and affiliate members. All natural persons who are graduates or former students of IUN and have received one or more credit hours are considered alumni of IUN. Such persons are eligible for regular membership in the Association and Indiana University Alumni Association. Natural persons who have not attended IU or have not received one credit hour are eligible to become affiliate members of the Association and the Indiana University Alumni Association. Affiliate members will have every right of membership except that of voting in the Association elections.
Section 2
Dual Membership. The IUN Alumni Association is a Constituent Society of the Indiana University Alumni Association. Membership in one organization will be considered membership in both organizations.
Meetings of Members
Section 1
Place of Meeting. All meetings of the Association will be held at such place as specified in each official meeting notice.
Section 2
Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the members of the Association will be held each year, with the exact time and place to be set by the Board.
Section 3
Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Association may be called by the Board or by the President upon written request of forty-five regular members of the Association. In the event of such request, a special meeting will be held not later then two months after the receipt of such request.
Section 1
Designation. The officers of the Association will consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, who shall be elected; and an Immediate Past President, whose manner of selection and term of office shall be according to this Constitution and Bylaws. In addition, the Director IUN Alumni Relations shall be deemed an ex-officio officer of the Association and will be permitted all rights of regular membership including the right to vote, and participate in debate. With the exception of the Director of IUN Alumni Relations, all officers, must be regular members of the Association.
Section 2
Term of Office. The term of office for an elected officer of the Association shall be two years. The Director of IUN Alumni Relations, is an unelected officer, and the term of service is governed by employer-employee rules of Indiana University Northwest. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Association will be elected according the provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws. An elected officer’s term commences the first day of July of the first year, following election, extending until the last day of June of the second year, and until a successor is elected and qualified. Elected Officers may not serve any more than six (6) consecutive years in any eight (8) year period. If there is a vacancy in an office for any reason, the successor appointment will serve for the unexpired portion of the term. Any appointment in fulfillment of a vacancy, shall not count toward any six years of service in an eight year period. The term and manner of selection of the Immediate Past President shall be according to the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 3
Elections. A Nominating Committee shall be established that shall be comprised of at least three regular members of the Association, appointed by the President, and the IUN Alumni Director. No currently serving officer may be a nominating committee member except the IUN Alumni Director as provided. At the annual meeting, as terms expire, the nominating committee shall prepare a ballot for officers and Board members. At the Annual meeting, or the meeting fixed by the board to conduct the election, the nominations committee report shall be submitted. Following its presentation, nominations from the floor shall be received. An election will be conducted according to the provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws of the IUN Alumni Association. Terms for all positions shall begin July 1 and end June 30 of the appropriate year.
Section 4
Responsibilities of the Officers/Executive Committee. The responsibilities of the various officers are those usually associated with their respective offices. The Officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the IUN Alumni Association.
IUN Alumni Board
Section 1
Members. There shall be an Alumni Board of Directors. The Board will be composed of the officers of the Association, ten (elected) members at large and up to ten members representing the academic units of IUN as may be identified in the Bylaws of the Association. (See Rule 03.02 of the Bylaws)
Each academic unit as may be listed therein shall be entitled to only one member on the Board. Each academic unit shall communicate a nominee in writing to the Nomination Committee. Selection of Board members shall be according to the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the IUN Alumni Association. All officers and Board members must be regular members, including those nominated by the academic units.
Section 2
Term of Office. All Board members, Unit representatives and Members At- large, serve for a three-year term. Board members may be re-elected. However, board members may not serve any more than nine (9) consecutive years in any twelve (12) year period. If there is a vacancy in a board position for any reason, the successor appointment will serve for the unexpired portion of the term. Any selection or appointment in fulfillment of a vacancy, shall not count toward any nine years of service in a twelve year period.
To the extent possible, one-third of the Board members will be elected or appointed each year and will serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
Section 3Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy in an office or position on the board, the Board shall fill the position for the unexpired term, after a report is made by the Nominations Committee.
Section 4
Responsibility of the Board. The responsibility of the Board is to promote the interests of Indiana University Northwest, and to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between IUN and its alumni by creating and sponsoring alumni programs and communications that will carry forward these purposes. The Board will advise the Executive Council through its elected member to that Council about Association matters and concerns.
In addition, the Board shall approve the budget and program for the IUN Alumni Association.
Section 5
Meetings and Notice. The Board will hold no less than two meetings each year. Such regular meetings will be called by the President, and at least five days days written notice will be given of each meeting
Section 6
Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called at the discretion of the President or upon written notice of five members or the Board. Such special meetings will be held at a place designated by the President. Forty-eight hours written notice will be given of each special meeting.
Section 7
Executive Council Representative. One member of the Board will be elected by the Board to represent the Association as a voting member of the Executive Council for a three-year term. If the elected or appointed Board member’s term on the Board should expire before the Board member’s term on the Executive Council expires, then the Board member shall be considered a member of the Board so long as the Board member continues to serve the three-year term on the Executive Council. The representative may be replaced by the Board should a vacancy occur.
Section 1
Rules of Order. Meetings of the members of the Association and the Board will be governed by rules contained in the most recent edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised in all cases in which such rules are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution or the Bylaws of the IUN Alumni Association.
Section 2
Amendments. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the regular members of the Association who are present and voting at the annual or a special meeting called for the purpose of considering such amendment(s), or by two-thirds vote of the Board and later ratified by a majority vote of the Association.
Section 3
Bylaws Authorized. The Association may adopt or repeal Bylaws by a majority vote of those present and voting either by the membership or by the Board.
Section 4
Notice. The form and manner of notice when required under the terms of this Constitution and By-laws, shall be in writing and shall be posted in the Alumni office, one additional location on campus, determined by the Alumni Director, and on the web page of the Alumni Association, which is part of the IUN Website.
Prohibited Activity. The Association shall not engage in fundraising or other activities that can be construed as acting in the capacity of a foundation, nor shall it engage in lobbying activities on a state or national level without first obtaining express authority from the Indiana University Alumni Association. Such activities may endanger the nonprofit tax status that the Indiana University Alumni Association has been granted under the laws of Indiana and the Federal Government, which govern not-for-profit corporations.
Last revised: IUN Alumni Association meeting, August 17, 2011