The IUN Writing Center is OPEN for both face-to-face and online tutoring. We are open for drop-ins, scheduled face-to-face sessions, or online appointments during regular hours in HAWTHORN 418:
- Monday: 12 pm to 6:00 pm
- Tuesday: 10 am to 11 am
- Wednesday: 10 am to 5:30 pm
- Thursday: 10 am to 11 am (in person) / 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm
- Friday: 10 am to 5:00 pm (Zoom appointments only)
For information on how our online sessions work through Zoom and Google Docs, click on the ONLINE TUTORING SESSIONS tab in the left margin here.
To set up a face-to-face or online appointment now, please contact us at iunwc@iu.edu . You can also call us at (219) 980-6502. The Writing Center is a free service offered to all students and faculty in their coursework.
STUDENTS: The consultants at the Writing Center have experience in a variety of disciplines. While we don't simply do final proofreading, tutors are able to assist students with all facets of the writing process, including:
- Generating and expanding on ideas
- Organizing information so that it is logical and easy to understand
- Creating well-developed paragraphs that support the essay’s central point
- Writing sentences that are both interesting and structurally sound
- Editing for grammar and mechanics
- Assisting in integration and documentation of source materials
- Developing professional documents like cover letters, resumes, and graduate school materials
Although we do offer drop-in appointments, it is helpful if you schedule your appointment at least one day in advance. During the busiest weeks of the semester (the weeks around midterms and the weeks going into finals), we encourage students to schedule appointments a week in advance because we can become extremely busy with increased demand as projects become due.
If coming to the Writing Center is a requirement for one of your classes, perhaps talk to your instructor before meeting with the tutor. Prepare for your session by identifying at least three areas of your paper that require specific work (ex: definition of thesis, supporting evidence, weak analysis, focus within the overall argument, etc.). Please be on time if you set up an online session. In order for us to email your professor about your session, you must be present for a full thirty-minute session. If you are late or have to leave early, the appointment will not count for your requirement, and you may have to reschedule.
More information on our services for students is available at:
FACULTY are also welcome to utilize the Writing Center for their classrooms. We invite you to include a link to the IUN Writing Center's website or to the above video on services that we offer to students on your course's Canvas site. Tutors can visit your course in person or through Zoom to introduce the Center's services. We can also provide short video introductions to the use of sources and citations in research writing for students in your courses. Through face-to-face or online meetings, instructors can assign Writing Center sessions for all students in a course in work on a particular assignment. With prior scheduling, tutors can also visit classrooms to assist in the development of particular assignments through groupwork. Faculty are invited to encourage students to visit the Writing Center through the Student Engagement Roster process. More information on our services for instructors is available at:
To utilize our range of services, contact us via email at iunwc@iu.edu . We look forward to working with you!