New Student Orientation

Start Strong

To help you prepare for success, Indiana University Northwest provides a comprehensive orientation program designed to help you make the most of your college experience.

This year, New Student Orientation will consist of two pieces.

  1. RedHawk Ready - a self-guided online experience designed to introduce you to the technology and platforms you’ll be using as a student.
  2. NSO Live- a live, virtual or in-person experience to help you connect with the faculty, staff, and students at IU Northwest. The virtual sessions will be presented via Zoom. 

Important Notes

After submission of the online registration form, you will receive additional information through the email we have on file for you. If a friend or family member would like to join you during the virtual NSO Live, they will need to share your screen as we are able to accommodate one spot for each student. 

Have Questions? Contact us

REDHAWKS! Ready, Set, GO!

RedHawk Ready

Redhawk Ready is a self-paced virtual pre-New Student Orientation course designed to introduce you to some of the common experiences students share and learn about the support, features, and technology at IU Northwest.


NSO Live

New Student Orientation sessions for Fall 2024 have concluded. Details for Spring 2025 will be released in early December.



A brighter future for all