Due to the IUN’s current permit price reduction visitor and event parking is free of charge until further notice. A valid permit is still required to park on campus. Visitor kiosks are no longer in service; therefore, departments will need to coordinate with Parking Services to obtain visitor permits or suspend ticketing.
Visitor permits and/or ticketing suspension are required for guests or events held Monday through Thursday.
Please see the guidelines below.
- Departments can request a temporary daily parking permit from Parking Services. Please email Parking Services iunpark@iu.edu. (5) business day notice is required. This permit will allow department visitors may park on campus in spaces marked “IUN Permit Parking” only. EM and Reserved spaces are not allowed. A vehicle displaying a temporary permit may park in a disability space with a state issued disability plate or placard.
- For large events, departments may request to suspend ticketing. Please email Parking Services iunpark@iu.edu. (5) business day notice is required. This will allow department visitors may park on campus in spaces marked “IUN Permit Parking” only. EM and Reserved spaces are not allowed. Vehicles may park in a disability space with a state issued disability plate or placard.