The mission of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships is to provide resources, guidance and financial assistance for students pursuing educational goals while complying within Federal, State and University regulations and guidelines.

Indiana University restructures fees
Fees are additional charges to cover the costs of certain services, such as technology or labs.
Indiana University recently restructured fees to make them clear and simple to help students and their families better anticipate and budget.
For many students, fees that varied greatly semester to semester will now be distributed more evenly over the course of their education. Some fees were eliminated, and others were consolidated or renamed. In some cases, the dollar amount of the fee decreased.
Fees are additional charges to cover the costs of certain services, such as technology or labs. By keeping these costs separate from tuition, some charges can be more directly assigned to the students using the services.
Fees that cover the cost of some widely used services are assigned to all or most students; for example, access to software. While all students are encouraged to take advantage of the benefits these fees provide, we understand that not every student will use the services each semester of their program.
As a result of the new fee structure, most IU students will pay less in fees over the course of their degree program, with $14.5 million in overall savings to the student body as a whole, beginning in the 2023-24 academic year.
Some students may see only minimal decreases or the same level of fees, with even fewer seeing an increase in fees, depending on their degree program. The Office of the Bursar’s website provides information related to fees associated with each campus and with most courses and programs.
Tuition and fees are distinct from one another, with separate processes that determine how they are set.
The IU Board of Trustees approved an annual tuition increase of 3% over the next two years for undergraduate resident (in-state) students at all IU campuses. The proposed increase — which remains below average inflation and lower than Indiana Commission for Higher Education guidance — will support faculty recruitment and retention while addressing increases in expenses for labor, services, and other fixed costs.
According to the latest available comparative data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, IU Bloomington’s net cost is the third lowest in the Big Ten, with IU’s regional campuses offering the lowest average net price of all universities in Indiana.
In the past eight years, the university has increased institutional aid by 57 percent to help make an IU degree more accessible through initiatives such as MoneySmarts, which have served as a statewide and national model for easing the burden of loan debt on students and their families. Resources are detailed on a dedicated website on affordability.
As a result of these efforts and others, more than half of this year’s undergraduates left IU’s campuses with zero debt.

It is our commitment to serve the students and campus community in a caring, knowledgeable, professional and personalized manner.
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Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
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Mailing Address
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
IU Northwest
3400 Broadway
Hawthorn Hall, Room 111
Gary, Indiana 46408