Levican AL, Fisher JC, McLellan SL, Avendano-Herrera, R. 2020. Microbial communities associated with farmed Genypterus chilensis: detection prior to bacterial outbreaks using culturing and high-throughput sequencing. Animals 10(6): 1055.
Green HC, Fisher JC, McLellan, SL, Sogin ML, Shanks OC. 2016. Identification of specialists and an abundance-occupancy relationship among intestinal bacteria of Aves, Mammalia, and Actinopterygii. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82(5):1496-1503. doi:10.1128/AEM.02456-15.
McLellan SL, Fisher JC, Newton RJ. 2015. The microbiome of urban waters. International Microbiology 18(3):141-149. doi:10.2436/20.1501.01.244. (Invited review)
Fisher JC, Eren AM, Green HC, Shanks OC, Morrison HG, Vineis JH, Sogin ML, and McLellan SL. 2015. Comparison of the microbiomes of sewage and animal feces by oligotyping reveals potential human fecal indicators in multiple taxonomic groups. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81:7023-7033. doi:10.1128/AEM.01524-15. (Featured in Spotlight)
Fisher JC, Newton RJ, Dila DK, and McLellan SL. 2015. Urban microbial ecology in a freshwater estuary of Lake Michigan. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 3: 000064. doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000064. (Invited contribution to special issue on Urban Aquatic Ecosystems).
Eren AM, Sogin ML, Morrison HG, Vineis JH, Fisher JC, Newton RJ, McLellan SL. 2015. A single genus in the gut microbiome reflects host preference and specificity. ISME Journal 9:90-100. doi: 101038/ismej201497.
Koskey AM, Fisher JC, Eren AM, Ponce Terashima R, Reis MG, Blanton RE, and Mclellan SL. 2014. Blautia and Prevotella sequences distinguish human and animal fecal pollution in Brazil surface waters. Environmental Microbiology Reports 6(6):696-704. doi: 101111/1758-222912189.
Fisher JC, Levican A, Figueras MJ, McLellan SL. 2014. Population dynamics and ecology of Arcobacter in sewage. Frontiers in Microbiology 5:525. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00525.
Koskey AM, Fisher JC, Traudt MF, Newton RJ, McLellan SL. 2014. Analysis of the gull fecal microbial community reveals the dominance of Catellicoccus marimammalium in relation to culturable enterococci Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80(2):757-765.
Thomas JM, Moser, DP, Fisher, JC, Riehle JN, Wheatly A, Hershey RL, Baldino C, and Weissenfluh D. 2013. Using water chemistry, isotopes and microbiology to evaluate groundwater sources, flow paths and geochemical reactions in the Death Valley Flow System, USA. Procedia Earth and Planetary Sciences 7: 842-845.
Peacock JP, Cole JK, Murugapiran SK, Dodsworth JA, Fisher JC, Moser DP, and Hedlund, BP. 2013. Pyrosequencing reveals high-temperature cellulolytic microbial consortia in Great Boiling Spring after in situ lignocellulose enrichment. PLoS ONE 8(3):e59927.
Labahn SK, Fisher JC, Robleto EA, Young MH, and Moser DP. 2010. Microbially-mediated aerobic and anaerobic degradation of acrylamide in a western US irrigation canal Journal of Environmental Quality 39(5);1563-1569.
Planer-Friedrich B, Fisher JC, Hollibaugh JT, Süß E, and Wallschläger D. 2009. Oxidative transformation of trithioarsenate along alkaline geothermal drainages: abiotic versus microbially mediated processes. Geomicrobiology Journal 26:339-350.
Kulp TR, Hoeft SE, Asao M, Madigan MT, Hollibaugh JT, Fisher JC, Stolz JF, Culbertson CW, Miller LG, and Oremland RS. 2008. Arsenic(III) fuels anoxygenic photosynthesis in hot spring biofilms from Mono Lake, California. Science 321:967-970.
Fisher JC and Hollibaugh JT. 2008. Selenate-dependent anaerobic arsenite oxidation by a bacterium from Mono Lake, California. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74:2588-2594.
Fisher JC, Wällschlager D, Planer-Friedrich B, and Hollibaugh JT. 2008. A new role for sulfur in arsenic cycling. Environmental Science and Technology 42:81-85 (Cover feature).
Moser DP, Hamilton-Brehm SD, Fisher JC, Bruckner JC, Kruger B, Sackett J, Russell CE, et al. 2014. Radiochemically-Supported Microbial Communities: A Potential Mechanism for Biocolloid Production of Importance to Actinide Transport. Report to USDOE Office of Biological & Environmental Research. doi:10.2172/1176791.
Moser, DP, Fisher JC, Bruckner JC, Reihle J, Edmiston P, Wheatly A, Jacovides, C. 2014. Microbial Biogeochemistry of Ash Meadows Springs. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Survey.
USEPA. 2000. Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance: Estuaries and Coastal Marine Waters. Office of Water, Washington, DC.
USEPA. 2000. Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance: Rivers and Streams. Office of Water, Washington, DC.
USEPA. 2000. SOP #1304. Immunoassay (ELISA) Method for Diazinon Detection. Region IX Laboratory, Richmond, CA.