Jack Bloom
Arts and Sciences 2071
(219) 980-6858
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Books and Monographs:
Seeing Through the Eyes of the Polish Revolution: Solidarity and the Struggle Against Communism in Poland, published 2013 by Brill Press (Holland)
*Paperback edition forthcoming Summer, 2014
Class, Race and the Civil Rights Movement, published 1987 by Indiana University Press, still in print;
*Winner of C. Wright Mills Award, Second Place
*Named an Outstanding Book by the Gustavus Myers Center
*Currently working on Second Edition
Social Structure and Revolution, Monograph, Center for Research in Social Systems, American University, 1965
Articles and book chapters:
Forthcoming: Political Opportunity Structure, Contentious Social Movements and the State: The Fight Against Solidarity Inside the Polish United Workers Party in Social Science History, Volume 38, Issue 3, Fall, 2014
“The Solidarity Revolution in Poland, 1980-1981,” The Oral History Review, Vol 33, No. 1: 33-64, 2006.
“The Defeat of White Power and the Emergence of the ‘New Negro’ in the South” in Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar (ed.), Problems in American Civilization: The Civil Rights Movement, Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
"Eyewitness to the Movement: Conducting Oral History Interviews in the Classroom,” in Julie Buckner Armstrong, Susan Hult Edwards, Houston Bryan Roberson and Rhonda Y. Williams, (eds.), Freedom’s Bittersweet Song: Teaching the American Civil Rights Movement, Routledge Press, 2002
“The Unrecognized Convergence of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr.,” Journal of the Indiana Academy of Social Sciences, Vol 5, 2002.
"A Line of Blood: How December 1970 Prepared Workers for Political Transition in 1989,” in Barbara Wejnert Transition to Democracy in Eastern Europe and Russia, (ed.), Praeger Publishers, 2002.
"The Civil Rights Movement: Upheaval and Organization" in Jeanine Swift, (ed.), Dream and Reality: The Modern Black Struggle for Freedom and Equality, Greenwood Press, 1991.
"The Economic Crisis in Kenya: Class and Ethnic Conflict", The Insurgent Sociologist, Summer-Fall, 1985.
(Pseudonym Steve Barnet), “Rifts in Afrikanerdom?” in Humanity and Society, 7 (August: 1983: 238-249), 1983.