Anita Benna
Associate Professor
Hawthorn Hall 347
(219) 980-6526
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Associate Professor of Education
Director, Urban Teacher Education Program [UTEP] 2015- present
Indiana University; BS Elementary Education/Reading Minor
University of Iowa; MA Educational Administration
University of Iowa; Ph.D. Science Education
Having taught at the elementary level for 20 years, having been a K-8 building Principal, and now as an Assistant Professor, I have had opportunities to be a leader at all levels of education. My passion has always been to engage others in the intricacies of learning. I have studied teacher change/reform in science teaching/learning, teacher beliefs about learning, and now STEM curriculum development focused on transformative opportunities for student learning in urban environments. Empowering urban teachers to engage their students in becoming a part of the transformation of their environment through problem-based STEM curriculum has the potential to change lives.