Alonso Contreras-Astorga
Visiting Faculty
Office Hours:
By Appointment
A Contreras-Astorga, DJ Fernández, J Negro, “Solutions of the Dirac Equation in a Magnetic Field and Intertwining Operators”, SIGMA 8 (2012) 082.
A Contreras-Astorga, DJ Fernández, “Coherent States for the Asymmetric Penning Trap”, Int J Theor Phys 50 (2011) 2084-2093.
A Contreras-Astorga, DJ Fernández, M Velázquez, “Coherent states for quadratic Hamiltonians”, J Phys A 44 (2011) 035304.
A Contreras-Astorga, DJ Fernández, “Asymmetric Penning trap coherent states”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1256 (2010) 239-245.
A Contreras-Astorga, DJ Fernandez, “Supersymmetric partners of the trigonometric Pöschl-Teller potentials”, J Phys A 41 (2008) 475303.
A Contreras-Astorga, DJ Fernandez, “Second-order SUSY partners of the trigonometric Pöschl-Teller potentials”, J Phys: Conf Ser 128 (2008) 012043.
A Contreras-Astorga, DJ Fernandez, “First-Order SUSY Partners of the Trigonometric Pöschl-Teller Potential”, AIP Conference Proceedings 960 (2007) 55-60.
JL Flores, A Contreras Astorga, G Garcia-Torales, N Casillas, M Barcena-Soto, “Design and analysis of fiber optical distance sensor”, Proc. SPIE 5875 (2005), 58750P.