Ming Gao
Assistant Professor
Marram Hall 310
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Dr. Ming Gao is an Assistant Professor of Biology whose research focuses on germ cells. This unique line of cells give rise to eggs and sperm, and ultimately to a new organism. Using Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) as the model organism, Dr. Gao is trying to find the molecular explanation of how germ cells are specified during female egg development.
Ming runs an active research laboratory made of entirely undergraduate students. He has co-authored several article publications in international journals and numerous conference presentations with his undergraduate students.
Email: minggao@iu.edu
Phone: (219)980-6722
ResearchGate Profile
LinkedIn Profile
Postdoctoral, Developmental Genetics, Dr. Alexey Arkov Lab, Murray State University
Ph.D., Microbiology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
B.S., Biological Science, Wuhan University
Year of Hire: 2015