The campus has just submitted our 2018 AQIP Systems Portfolio to The Higher Learning Commission, our regional accrediting body. We should receive formative feedback in the form of a Systems Appraisal by mid to late February 2019 and will share that with the campus as we evaluate their suggestions for improvement to our processes.
We would like to personally thank the Category Working Groups for all of their hard work over the course of more than a year in completing drafts of each category. In addition to the chairs, there were 14 category group members, and numerous other individuals who provided information and data when asked and we sincerely thank all of you. The Category Chairs were:
Category 1 Helping Students Learn: Cynthia O’Dell and Beth Tyler
Category 2 Meeting Student and Other Key Stakeholder Needs: Mark Hoyert and Alexis Montevirgen
Category 3 Valuing Employees: Mianta’ Diming
Category 4 Planning and Leading: Vicki Román-Lagunas and Susan Zinner
Category 5 Supporting Knowledge Management and Resource Stewardship: Nelson Deleon and Peter Zachocki
Category 6 Quality Overview: John Novak and Jana Szostek
Members of the working groups included: Bala Arshanapalli, Jonathyne Briggs, Michelle Dickerson, Cathy Hall, Kris Huysken, Vesna Kilibarda, Kathy Malone, Mary Beth Mitchell, Bonnie Neff, Cindy Roberts, Ellen Szarleta, James Wallace, Carol Wood, and Chris Young.
Special thanks to Scott Hudnall (Assurance System), and Karen Peterson (Evidence File), experts extraordinaire! Without them, we would truly not have completed this task!
Chancellor Lowe made special note of the quality of the Portfolio during his thorough reading and feedback. It would not have been possible to complete such a quality document without the contributions of the Chairs and their Working Group members.
This was a team effort on an important task for the institution and your dedication is greatly appreciated!
Best Wishes and Happy Holidays,
Cynthia O'Dell and John Novak, Co-coordinators, AQIP